American League All-Star Game Starters

By Chris Matthews Everyone knows just how crazy the All Star Game selections can go when the voting is left up to the fans.  Last year at one point all nine of the starters for the Kansas City Royals were in line to make the All Star Game.  This year Kobe Bryant started an All... Continue Reading →

Coach BA’s National League All-Star Starters

By Brian Argetsinger (Written June 14th before the late games) Every year when the Major League Baseball (MLB) All-Star game rolls around it feels like someone is stuffing the ballot boxes. Players that I feel like are iffy to even make the team are somehow leading the voting to start the game. I know a... Continue Reading →

Dear Danielle, Your Runaway

Dear Danielle, I knew from the moment I met you that it wasn't going to work. It wasn't your curly blonde hair. It wasn't the birth mark on your chin. It wasn't even your need to check your phone every ten minutes. I can't say that it had nothing to do with you, but it... Continue Reading →

The Moment You Smile

I took a short road trip this week. When I mean short I mean a day trip even though by the end of the trip I’ve probably accrued seven hours of driving. An hour and a half is my fault. My dumbass forgot his wallet in his apartment. What a rookie move. I felt like... Continue Reading →

Introverts vs. Extroverts Part 1

A few years ago I was working at Barnes & Nobles. I came across a book called Quiet. It's a book explaining the importance of introversion in an extroversion world. I always remembered the title and the cover and decided one day I would read it once the price was lower. It happened to come... Continue Reading →

Not the Smartest in the Room

As someone who has moved around a lot I've gotten used to meeting new people whether through work or just casual conversations with someone in a store or restaurant. I can't pretend that I can write a self-help book on how to make new friends or win over people and influence them. That business book... Continue Reading →

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